
GRE 2023-10-27 点击:






例 Ⅰ:

The benedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very strict form, a literary ---------- that permits very little ---------- .

(A) text ... clarity

(B) work ... tradition

(C) genre ... deviation

(D) oration ... grandiloquence

(E) achievement ... rigidity


在本题中,“strict form”构成被解释的对象,其后的同位语及定语从句分别对form的 strict作复述式的解释。作为同位语,空格Ⅰ应是form的同义词,则(C) genre最为接近。定语从句中的复述采用了常见的双重否定法。little为第一重否定,故空格Ⅱ应是strict的反义词,则(C) deviation为正确。


genre: 1.类型,体裁,式样 2.风俗画

grandiloquence: 大言不惭,夸张






例 Ⅰ:

In ---------- nature, myths use ---------- reasoning, relating the unfamiliar to the familiar by means of likeness.

(A) observing ... logical

(B) appreciating ... irrational

(C) disclosing ... metonymic

(D) interpreting ... analogical

(E) seizing ... fanciful


先处理空格Ⅱ:因为显然,其后补充说明性质的现代分词短语必会提供线索(参见“具体实战操作——C.中心线索的判断”中的“短语结构”一栏)。神话的逻辑推理方式是怎样的呢? 既然现在分词短语中陈述是“by means of likeness”, 则从“likeness” 求得 (D) analogical为唯一正确的选项。


irrational: 非理性的

metonymic: 换喻的,转喻的

(例:The pen is mightier that the sword. 以pen代表文,以sword代表武。)

analogical: 比拟的,类推的






例 Ⅰ:

The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the greatest ----------; indeed, savagery seems to be in direct proportion to -----.

(A) wars ... viciousness

(B) catastrophes ... ill-will

(C) atrocities ... development

(D) inventions ... know-how

(E) triumphs ... civilization



atrocities ... development。


vicious: 邪恶的,堕落的,恶劣的

catastrophe: 惨祸,灾难性的结局

ill-will: 恶意,怨恨

know-how: 技能,诀窍,实际知识

triumph: 1.胜利,杰出成就 2.狂喜




人类在用语言作出某一陈述或判断时,可采用正面陈述和反面陈述两种方式。所谓正面陈述,即是以一肯定句式作出的表述,如“He is a good person”。所谓反面陈述,即是以一否定句式再加上一个与正面内涵相反的概念作出的表述,如“He is not a bad person” 或 “It is wrong to say that he is a bad person”。很大一部分GRE填空题前后两部分是互为重复或互为说明性质的,其思路大抵均沿袭正面陈述和“否定之否定”的反面陈述这一模式。

例 Ⅰ:

The poet W. H. Auden believed that the greatest poets of his age were almost necessarily irresponsible, that the possession of great gifts ---------- the ---------- to abuse them.

(A) negates ... temptation

(B) controls ... resolution

(C) engenders ... propensity

(D) tempers ... proclivity

(E) obviates ... inclination


本题在主句谓语动词believed后,继之以两个以that引导的宾语从句,后者以另一角度复述前者内涵。第一个宾语从句中所陈述的中心主题为irresponsible(不负责任的),带有贬义色彩,这就为第二个宾语从句提供了线索。换言之,出现在第二个宾语从句中的两处空格,应综合体现出前述的“不负责任”这一主题。在空格Ⅱ,五个选项代入后,均无不妥之处,且连同其后作为定语的动词不定式结构,都为贬义色彩。在此情况下,在空格Ⅰ,就再也不能代入任何贬义色彩的选项,否则,“负负得正”的规律会使第二个宾语从句整体上转而带上褒义色彩,故唯有中性色彩的(C) engenders为正确。其余四项代入后均致使事情朝着积极方向发展,无从与此前irresponsible这一主题谐调一致。


abuse: 滥用,妄用

negate: 否定,取消,使无效

resolution: 决心,决意,决定

engender: 使发生,造成,招致

propensity: 倾向,习性

temper: 使变淡,使缓和,使温和

proclivity: 癖性,倾向

obviate: 排除,消除,避免

inclination: 倾向,意向,癖好


诗人W. H. 奥登相信,他那时代最伟大的诗人们几乎都必定是不负责任的;拥有横溢的才华反而导致滥用这些才华的倾向。



allege 非官方的声称 consult 咨询,查阅 sustain 支持 emphasize 强调 endorsement 赞同 assure 断然,确定 support 支持 demonstrate 证明 credible 可信的 saver 品味,体验 triumph 成功 test 证明 enrich 丰富 efficacy 有效 beneficial 有益的 advantage 优秀的

apprehension 理解 immense 无边的 revolution 革命的 breakthrough 突破 milestone 里程碑 fascination 爱好 intensify 强化 evaluate 评估 judging 评判estimate 评估 assert 断言 accept 认可 suggest 说明 enamor 迷恋喜欢 posit 假定

precipitate 促成 believe 相信 propensity 倾向 proclivity 倾向 inclination 倾向 promise 承诺 certainty 确定 determine 决定 feasible 可行的 necessary 必需的 imperative 必要的

available 可用的 inform 获知 confident 自信的 valuable 有价值的 understandable 可理解的 affirm 断言 intriguing 迷人的 insist 坚持 work 起作用 sincerity 真诚 regard 关注 respect 尊敬 adamant 坚定


repudiate 批判 skepticism 怀疑 censure 责难 rejection 拒绝 relinquishment 放弃 useless 无用的 forestall 阻止 resist 抵抗 obviate 消除 cease 停止 incomprehension 不被理解 heterodox 异端邪说的 disregard 漠视 limit 限制

deter 阻止 hamper 妨碍 disrupt 破坏 impair 破坏 obscure 模糊,不确定 lack 缺少 awe of 恐惧 inhibition 压抑,限制 rancor 怨恨 disappointing 让人失望的 flagged 衰退 reluctant 勉强 refute 反驳 doubt 怀疑 denial 拒绝 impede 阻止 constrain 抑制 suppress 抑制 irresponsible 不负责任的

impaired 破坏 sacrifice 牺牲 withdrawal 收回 weakness 缺点 failure 失败 ineffective 无效的 hostile 敌对的 cruel 残酷的 vulnerable 易受攻击的 counterproductive 反生产的 unpopular 不受欢迎的 impossible 不可能的 nonexistent 不存在的

impractical 不切实际的 ridiculous 荒谬的 folly 愚蠢的 detrimental 有害的 insignificant 不重要的 discredit 怀疑 repudiate 批判 prevent 阻止 defy 反抗 weaken 削弱 doubt 怀疑 banish 驱逐 denounce 指责 eradicate 根除

contrition 悔悟 remorse 懊悔 flaw 缺点 resignation 放弃 hinder 阻碍 delay 延误 futility 无意义的 baffle 阻碍 adversity 灾祸 dismal 沮丧 misleading 误导 unsophisticated 没有智慧的 error 错误 conceal 隐瞒 enigma 谜语 unfounded 无理由的

irrelevant 不相关的 unrealistic 不切实际的 imprudent 轻率地 banal平凡的 repudiation 抛弃 contempt 蔑视 restrict 限制 evade 逃避 hatred 憎恨 negative 否定的 unstable 不稳定的 ineffective 无效的


“Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook.”

I believe this statement is how you look at a glass of water. Either the glass is half full or it is half empty. The opptimist would look for things in life, whereas the pessimist would try to aviod things in life. This summary will explain how looking for things in life better than overlooking a persons involvement in new opportunities and to learn from these new experiences.

I am strong believer in hands on experiences. If I have a open mind, try new things, and look for new answers to my questions about life, I will in the end gain wisdom because I have experienced many new situations. I plan on becoming a speech language pathologist in the future. In this field I will be dealing with clients who may have a disorder, such as autism or a cognitive delay. I must be aware of the red flags that identify these disorders. I must look for the obvious symptoms before I can overlook anything. If I would in my mind tell my self to overlook things. The result would be detrimental to my career and the individual I am treating.

Who can predict the future? So how can someone purposely overlook an experience in which they may recieve a life lesson or gain knowledge. In conclusion, a person should look at the glass half full. No one can predict the future so how can one know what to overlook. Look for things in life, you may even stumble across that wisdom you were looking for in the first place.


This response displays some competence analytic writing since it presents a position on the issue and has a clear pattern of organization.

The opening paragraph introduces the topic and states a position that neither agrees or disagrees completely with the stated claim. The second paragraph presents an example; and the last paragraph provides a clear conclusion. The one example is minimally developed, however, and does not clearly explain “how looking for things in life [is] better than overlooking a person[抅s involvement in new opportunities.”

There are numerous small errors and problems in sentence structure (e.g., “If I would in my mind tell my self to overlook things.”), but they do not seriously interfere with meaning. Thus, this response meets the criteria for a score of 3.












“It is unfortunate that today"s educators place so much emphasis on finding out what students want to include in the curriculum and then giving it to them.  It is the educators" duty to determine the curriculum and the students" duty to study what is presented to them.”

Today some educators place much emphasis on what students want,there is a conflict about what is the educator"s duty for what  educatee should get.

Normally, the college or university in our country ,students just study what they are tought,it is the professor"s duty to dermine what should appear in the classroom.Nowday china has taken the polices of opening reforming,every thing chang vastly.Students can"t get the job position from goverment authority but must look for the work chance by themself ,so students have taken great care to what they learn int the college and what kind of knowlege does the job market need.If our high education institute ignore this chang and keep the tranditional teaching method,it will seem as wast student"s time and money and the colleges will lost  their student.

It may be the best way for the developing country to reform their high education system, especially with those majors that closely connected with market or industry application.we must give our student  most upcoming technolegy or skill to meet the need of outdoor of our college,the information from students may be the best reference for the educator to determine what they should take to the classroom.


This essay displays little ability to develop and organize a coherent response to the topic.

The essay takes the position that China needs to reform its traditional approach to curriculum by becoming more student centered and technologically current.  However, the reader has to work hard to decipher the generally confusing line of reasoning, which does not obviously address the central issue presented in the topic.

There is an attempt to organize the argument into a three-paragraph essay, but the one-sentence introduction is simply a variation of the topic statement.  The brief body of the essay does not advance an opinion in a coherent manner, and the final paragraph shifts the focus to the need for technology in the curriculum.

The errors (comma splices, misspellings, verb problems, etc.) are so intrusive that coherence remains a problem.

This essay would need considerable rewriting in order to earn a higher score than 1.


“It is unfortunate that today"s educators place so much emphasis on finding out what students want to include in the curriculum and then giving it to them.  It is the educators" duty to determine the curriculum and the students" duty to study what is presented to them.”

There are many school violences in each school.  Those are big problems to our govenment and social.  School violences effect the studying of students.  This is very serious, even some students are nervious to go school.  In fact, the government must give students a clean place to study.  Teachers should help students know it is a duty to study.  So, everyone should face those big problems.

Do we know what are students" ideas?  Do the educators try to know?  Most educators hope the govenment can give students more and help them more.  These are people"s hope.  But it is so unfortunate that students can"t have a good place to study.  Also, teachers have to teach the students.  Not that students can know what to study by themself.  In the compus, there are many guys sell the drugs and acohol to younger students.  Why those guys can go into the school?  That is also the main problem.

When we were little, we didn"t know what is correct and what is wrong.  So we lose ourself easily.  At the same time, we need much care from parents and teachers.  So our teachers and parents play the important roles and they own must do better.  Because some students learn some bad habits from their teachers and parents.

If we want to resolve all the problems, we must face the problems and find out the reasons, then try to resolve them.  We also must care all students.  If we can help them, tring to do our best.  Then, the problems will become less and less.


This is a seriously flawed response to the topic.  The writer begins by discussing school violence and the need for a good place to study, parental and teacher influence, and resolution of school problems.  The issue of who should determine the curriculum, teachers or students, is implied but not addressed directly.  In fact, teacher-directed learning seems to be a small point in a series of concerns related to school violence.  The development of a position on the issue is unfocused and disorganized.  Even the example, drug selling, relates to school violence and not to curricular responsibility.

Language errors are numerous.  Problems with correct use of tense, diction, word order, sentence structure, and subject-verb agreement also interfere with meaning.  Had the writer not included references to teachers helping students know what to study, the essay would probably have received a score of 1 instead of a 2.


























“Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook.”

I disagree with the opinion expressed above, in that I feel that the statement is omitting a very big part of what learning is all about. I firmly believe that wisdom is gained by careful observation of all that is around us in our lives. We gain a great deal by watching those around us, or by observing our surroundings, as well as watching the assembly of an object. All my life, I have learned a great deal by being very observant of people and their reactions to certain situations, or to procedures that are to be followed. Being observant has helped tremendously in travelling as well, since it has helped me recall certain landmarks to know if I am going in the correct direction. It is true that if we pay too much attention to insignificant detail, we clutter our minds with too much that is unnecesssary. Instead, we should have more time to devote our attention to that which is meaningful. In the field of science, we teach our students to be observant, and to look for specific reactions. If they don"t learn to watch closely and record their data precisely, their results will be less than adequate, and their data will most likely not be very accurate or dependable. The statement above has merit, but it does not represent widsom in its entirety. It doesn"t do justice to the great amount of learning that thas taken place through the ages through simple observation. Our forefathers survived by learning and knowing what to look for. That information was then passed on, so each successive generation didn"t have to gather the same basic knowledge, but could build on what had already been learned. As a society, we need to lean on those who come before us, to learn valuable lessons from their experience, and to decipher that which we can improve on and that which is steadfast through the ages.


This response presents a competent analysis of the issue, taking a position contrary to that expressed in the prompt, at least initially.

After stating the importance of “careful observation of all that is around us,” the response presents reasons and examples to support that position. The examples are clear and relevant, although the analysis is fairly brief. Also, the organization and focus of the response weakens a little, especially as the writer interrupts the group of examples with a statement that “if we pay too much attention to insignificant detail, we will clutter our minds with too much that is unnecessary.” This statement modifies -- and weakens -- the initial position, which the writer believed “firmly.”

The writer抯 ideas are conveyed with reasonable clarity, but -- as is evident in the closing sentence -- this response lacks the skillful use of sentence structure and vocabulary that communicate meaning in responses that typically earn higher scores.



















GRE写作高分经验分享 立论驳论文提分心得不可不看













Censorship is rarely, if ever, justified.



“Censorship” is a word which seems to be authoritative rather than democratic, which implies the will of the governors rather than the will of general people. Since the occurrence of the censorship, which could be traced back to the Ancient Rome, it has been playing an important part in the domestic affairs while to arouse applause and condemnation as well. Here the our government faces a dilemma, is it fair to carry on the censorship at the cost of sacrificing part of democracy, or just open the gate letting flows of ideas and thoughts in, at the risk of losing its own rampart.

Since censorship suggest an act of changing or suppressing speech, writing or any other forms of expression that is condemned as subversive of the common good, it must have a close relationship with the one who applies such supervision, and the word “common good” should be redefined under different conditions. There is time when we were all under a powerful monarchy, and the “common good” is the “monarch good”, then the censorship itself is the instrument of the monarch which solely depended on the will of the monarch; in the Middle Ages, both the Roman Catholic and the Protestant Churches practiced censorship that seemed to be oppressive to any ideas challenging the doctrines of churches and the existence of God; even now, in some authoritative countries, the censorship is used to rule its people by restricting their minds, of course, for the stability of their governing over the people. With these regards, censorship itself is questioned at the rationality of existing, regardless of the practices made by the democratic government, while the justice of the democratic government is quite doubtable.

The matter concerning is not only who practices the censorship but also how it is practiced. Since different men make different comments on the same work of art, for example, it is hard to set up a measure by which we could decide whether one should be prohibited, especially to the work of arts, as its content always labeled as “subversive” and “revolutionary”, two words detested by the governors most. Such cases could be found in Ulysses by J. Joyce and Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H Lawrence, these two great novels were firstly considered to be guilty of obscenity and were put to prohibition by the American government, but turned out to be true masterpieces today. So any form of censorship, to some extent, lags behind the development of ideas and will put more or less a negative effect on their development.

Though the censorship is such a disgusting word embodying so much oppression and might, it is a compromise we made with the reality far from being perfect, to provide a comparative stable ground which we could stand on. At this point, I don’t agree with the institute like ACLU who oppose any censorship. The censorship, though rarely justified, should exist as long as a more ideal and practical form is found to replace it, or we could only expect our God to create a more ideal species instead of imperfect human beings.



Much of the information that people assume is ‘factual’ actually turns out to be inaccurate. Thus, any piece of information referred to as a ‘fact’ should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false in the future.



Should we be doubtful to all the information at hands because the rightness of which is uncertain? The speaker claims so, I concede that people often commit various fallacies in the course of cognizing things, however I fundamentally take exception of the arguer"s assertion to mistrust every fact we might encounter. And I will substantially discuss my views thereinafter.

To begin with, the speaker seems to implicate that a fact would be proven false in the future under numerous circumstance. Nevertheless I prefer to argue that facts never change. No matter how did the Medieval Church and Inquisition persecute Bruno, the fact never changes that the earth is far from being the center of the universe as the religious sovereigns had assumed or hoped for, while just a minor particle in it. Equally, no matter how Edison had tried to incite the public fear and distrust to the alternative current electricity, the fact never changes that Teals’ electrical system is vastly superior to his direct current electrical one, and would be accepted and applied in larger range.

However, what do change are the human"s objective interpretations to facts. One compelling argument to this point is that, due to the limitation of human’s knowledge and comprehensive capability, they tend to make insufficient or even false understanding to the certain fact. An apt illustration is the changes of cognition to disease. While at the ancient time, our progenitors believed the a man becoming a patient for the reason that he had conduct crimes or offended some ghosts or spirits, the contemporary people have well know that the varies of pathogens are the basic causes to our diseases, and the defects of our immune system and so forth are also the factors as well. Another argument for the change of comprehension to fact is that different people always observe and interpret from different perspectives. Though the Relativity theory is not well compliable with the Quantum mechanism, no one call the greatness of both Einstein and Bohr, because their theories are based on distinct views, the former from the macrocosm and the later from the microcosm.

Notwithstanding the foregoing reasons for that human tend to make fallacies during the cause of comprehending and cognizing facts, these reasons should never be the excuses to doubt every conclusion we might draw from facts. Based on certain rational inference and proper knowledge fundament, the conclusions we make might well be justifiable, if not completely right, to certain degree. What we need to do is to promote the enterprise of pursuing the better answer and try to use the result we have get to application, instead of wasting our time to undue doubt and suspicion. Though the medical scientists have not fully understood the mechanism of how the does the implanted organ interact with the wounded body, they are not refrain from using the implanting skill to save patients, of course the precondition or which is that this technology is much well established than the fundamental theory.

To sum up, while I advocate the speaker"s opinion that it is inevitable for human to comprehend facts inaccurately, for the reason of the limitation of the abilities, I essentially disagree with his assertion that facts will continually alter themselves, as well as his recommendation to discredit any piece of fact. In the final analysis, I would argue once more that facts never change and although the misunderstanding to them is inevitable, we should not defer ourselves from the pursuit to fully comprehending them.


1. According to a recent survey,four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.

2.The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.

3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.

4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.

5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.

6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.

7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person"s physical fitness.

8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.

9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.

10. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.



1. 必须研究范文


2. 养成联想思维能力

必须要做到形成惯性思维,考试时间非常紧张,只有有充分思维准备的人,才能驾轻就熟,运用自如。题目中提到politics,大脑中就应当出现Franklin Roosevelt, Lincoln, Gerhard Schroeder, Gandhi; 提到art,就该想到Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Starry night, night watch, Hemmingway, the old man and the sea; 提到Scandal,就该想到Nixon,Watergate,bill Clinton,sex sandal,Enron。总之,熟练非常重要.

3. 借鉴别人的文章


4. 多动脑筋多思考


5. 通读GRE作文题库


6. 准备原创作文例子

必须要有自己的例子。没有哪个考官会喜欢几百号人都说Van Gogh, Einstein, Curie。要结合自身经历,准备一些比较独家又有代表性的例子。






具体做法:首先分析文章,分析每一句和上一句的关系。美国人写作文的一个特点是,通常每段的第一句就包含整段文字的内容,也就是我们常说的topic sentence。另一个特点是当你写完一个句子后,你要多问为什么。提出一个问题,然后给出一个圆满的回答,这就是一篇优秀的作文。


在众多英语类写作考试中,托福写作是相对容易的。因为它的作文题本身非常简单,看到一个作文题你几乎就知道该怎么写。而GRE作文就相对复杂了。GRE作文方式永远是两种态度,两种方式让你选择。它永远是有对照性的。TOEFL作文考:“吃饭是在家里吃好,还是到饭店里吃好”; GRE作文考得就是:“在我们这个社会中间,现在专业人士太多了,而有综合知识的人太少了。你认为我们是更需要具有专业知识的人呢,还是需要具有广博知识的人?”TOEFL考生活、学习;GRE考日常学术行为。但是不管它出什么题目,总是会摆出两种态度供你选择。另外,GRE的作文题目是提前发给你的,考试时出的题目绝不会超出它事先发给你的题目。GRE决不会出让学生看不懂的题目。所出的题目永远是世界性的,不涉及民族、宗教、政治色彩。





Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty-whether to one‘s friends, to one’s school or place of employment, or to any institution-is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force.



I disagree with the author for he has confused the faithfulness with the misguided or overextended loyalty. In fact, loyalty does be a cherished virtue that should be given enough emphasis.

Loyalty, a kind of lasting persistence and its precondition is that the subject of fidelity is worthy of such strong emotion. In each society, loyalty is a indispensable and vital part of the system of morality. No matter in schools, at home or at work, first midst and last, people accept a similar education that as an individual, he or she should first have a sense of ligeance, that is work for the whole. Of course, the subjects of loyalty are various including scientific theory, friends, family, schools, places of employment and the nation. A vivid example can lend support to the statement is the heroical astronomer - Bronow, who advanced Copernicus‘ theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun, enraged the Roma church that held the Ptolemaic system of astronomy and was burnt to death just because he refused to give up his scientific theory. It is the lasting loyalty toward truth that lead Bronow to sacrifice himself. And people all respect such duteous spirit. However, without loyalty, the morality of a society will deteriorate into apathy desert and everyone just lives for him /herself, that is to say, no one is willing to pay loyalty to the whole, then finally the human civilization will fall apart.

However, on the other hand, the fidelity should not be confused with misguided or overextended loyalty and the latter is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force. People all hold that mutual loyalty between friends is the basis of lasting friendship. But people should also realize that true loyalty and authentic responsibility for a friend are not only always believing him or her unconditionally but also persuading, helping and even impeaching him or her when him or her has committed serious mistakes or even crimes. Of course, when facing up to such painful dilemma, each one will hesitate because he or she is afraid of being censured to betray his or her friend and some one may choose to keep slient in order to insist of the so-called loyalty.

In fact, such behavior may prevent his or her friend from taking right actions. The same to a school, a family, a company even the nation, when the subject that people once string along with no longer deserves loyalty, people should resolutely choose to be loyal to the truth, the justice and the humanity. That calls for people are always alert to what they think right and what they think wrong, via doing so, people can change their mind for right choice on time.

To sum up, people should insist on true loyalty, and always avoid being the victim of the misguided or overextended loyalty. In the world, there is nothing that can be always absolutely right or wrong and changing happens all the time. So people should always hold deep insight to discern what deserves their loyalty and what does not.

GRE写作官方题库高频ARGUMENT题目满分范文分享:construction of new electric plants


The following appeared in a memorandum from the planning department of an electric power company:

“Several recent surveys indicate that homeowners are increasingly eager to conserve energy and manufacturers are now marketing many home appliances, such as refrigerators and air conditioners that are almost twice as energy-efficient as those sold a decade ago. Also, new technologies for better home insulation and passive solar heating are readily available to reduce the energy needed for home heating. Therefore, we anticipate that the total demand for electricity in our area will not increase, and may decline slightly. Since our three electric generating plants in operation for the past 20 years have always met our needs, construction of new generating plants should not be necessary.”

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.


The author of this memo concludes that there is no need for an additional electric power plant in the area because total electricity demand in the area is not likely to increase in the future. To support this conclusion the author cites the availability of new energy-efficient appliances and systems for homes, and the eagerness of area homeowners to conserve energy. However, the argument relies on several questionable assumptions.





First, the author"s projection for flat or declining total demand for electricity ignores business and commercial electricity usage. It is entirely possible that area businesses will increase their use of electricity in the future and that total electricity consumption will actually increase despite flat or declining residential demand. The author"s projection also ignores the possibility that the number of area residents will increase in the future, thereby resulting in an increase in electricity usage regardless of whether more efficient appliances are used in area homes. Without taking these possibilities into account the recommendation above is incomplete.





Secondly, the author"s conclusion relies on the assumption that area residents have the capability and will purchase the energy-saving appliances and systems that are currently available. Admittedly, the author points out homeowners are “eager to conserve energy.” Nevertheless, these homeowners might not be able to afford these new systems and appliances. Moreover, the energy-efficient insulation that the author mentions might only be available for new home construction. In that case, the mere availability of this system will have no effect on total electric usage in existing homes.





A final problem involves the assertion that no new electric power plants are needed because the three existing plants, which are 20 years old, have always been adequate for the area"s electric needs. The author fails to account for the possibility that the old plants are themselves less energy efficient than a new plant using new technology would be, or that the old plants need to be replaced due to their age, or for some other reason. Besides, this assertion ignores the possible influx of residents or businesses in the future, thereby increasing the demand for electricity beyond what the three existing plants can meet.







