
GRE 2023-11-02 点击:




主体动词: Contain, remain表示前后一致,although___, continue结构表程度转折,递进结构,空格处填程度下降的词。相对的是shift from…to…, oscillate between…and…, turn …to…,reconcile…with…paradoxical, ironically, puzzling,surprising 意味着一组反义词的出现。


描述人或事物性质或特征动作:判断句;词组:regard/view/consider/label/portray…as…;物主动词加特征性格或动作,如his intransigence;of结构做后置定语。要记住,不管是发生何种逻辑关系都是针对主体词的。



A leading chemist believes that many scientists have difficulty with stereochemistry because much of the relevant nomenclature is ___ , in that it combines concepts that should be kept ___ .

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A imprecise D interrelated

B specialized E intact

C descriptive F discrete






stereochemistry 立体化学,不懂,也不打算弄懂了

specialized 专门的,

descriptive 描述性的,精于描述的,分类的

interrelated 相互联系的,相关的

intact 完整无缺的,未经阉割的,保持童贞的

discrete 分离的,不连续的




In eighth-century Japan, people who ___ wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overcome the shortage of ___ fields.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A conserved D arable

B reclaimed E domestic

C irrigated F forested






conserve 保存,节约,使(某事物)不变质

reclaim 开拓,开垦,改正,驯服,回收(以利用)

irrigate 灌溉,冲洗,保持湿润

(reclaim 有“改变不利于人类生存、利用的条件”的意思,所以比单纯地浇水 irrigate 更符合题干。)

rank 官级,社会地位,次序,行列

arable 可耕的

domestic 家庭的,驯养的,本国的,国产的

forested 植了树的



In television programming, a later viewing time often ___ a more ___ audience and, therefore, more challenging subjects and themes.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A requires D affluent

B implies E mature

C eliminates F realistic






imply 含有…的意思,意味着,暗示,必然包含(某事物)

eliminate 淘汰,根除

affluent 富裕的,繁荣的

mature 成熟稳重的,明理的,深思熟虑的,成年的,(酒、奶酪等)成熟的

challenging 挑战性的,引起兴趣的,令人深思的



Although the minuet appeared simple, its ___ steps had to be studied very carefully before they could be gracefully ___ in public.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A intricate D discussed

B rudimentary E revealed

C entertaining F executed






intricate 错综复杂的

rudimentary 基本的

reveal 揭露,显示,启示

execute 实行,执行,处死,使生效,(在舞台或音乐会中)演奏、表演


GRE填空等价实用解题技巧分享 学会找重复助你快速应对难题







1. When theories formerly considered to be______ in their scientific objectivity are found instead to reflect a consistent observational and evaluative bias, then the presumed neutrality of science gives way to the recognition that categories of knowledge are human______.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A disinterested D imperatives

B callous E errors

C verifiable F constructions

2. Although Mount Saint Helens has been more______during the last 4,500 years than any other volcano in the coterminous United States, its long dormancy before its recent eruption______its violent nature.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A awe-inspiring D confirmed

B explosive E suggested

C gaseous F belied

3. In failing to see that the justices pronouncement merely ______ previous decisions rather than actually establishing a precedent, the novice law clerk ______ the scope of the justices judgment.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A endorsed D nullified

B qualified E gain

C distressed F overemphasized

4. Without the psychiatrists promise of confidentiality, trust is______and the patients communication limited; even though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious in therapy, moral responsibility sometimes requires a willingness to______it.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A implicit D sacrifice

B assumed E examine

C impaired F uphold

5. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (1776) is still worth reading, more to appreciate the current_______of Smiths valid contributions to economics than to see those contributions as the ______of present-day economics.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A disregard D outgrowths

B presumptuousness E precursors

C relevance F vestiges

6. While Parker is very outspoken on issues she cares about, she is not______; she concedes the______of opposing arguments when they expose weaknesses inherent in her own.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A fickle D strength

B fanatical E incompatibility

C congenial F speciousness


例 5. (OG Authentic GRE Practice Test Section 3, Q17)The most striking thing about the politician is how often his politics have been (i)______ rather than ideological, as he adapts his political positions at any particular moment to the political realities that constrain him. He does not, however, piously (ii)______ political principles only to betray them in practice. Rather, he attempts in subtle ways to balance his political self-interest with a (iii) ______, viewing himself as an instrument of some unchanging higher purpose.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)

(A) quixotic (D) brandish (G) profound cynicism

(B) self – righteous (E) flout (H) deeply felt moral code

(C) strategic (F) follow (I) thoroughgoing pragmatism


(一) 选取第一空所在部分:

The most striking thing about the politician is how often his politics have been (i)______ rather than ideological, as he adapts his political positions at any particular moment to the political realities that constrain him.

1. Blank1 中应该填入一个形容词,用来描述政治家的政治策略的属性。

2. Rather than 对前面的属性取反,写出 ideology ,则 blank1 中的属性是 ideology的反义词。

3. As 引导的后半句是对于前半句的重复说明,因而政治家的政策是根据不断变化的现实而改变的,因而政治家的特点应该体现出“变化”感。

4. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

[1]. quixotic:(幻想的)foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; especially : marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action

[2]. self-righteous:(自以为是的) convinced of one"s own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow - mindedly moralistic

[3]. strategic:(有策略的)of, relating to, or marked by strategy

(二) 选取第三空所在部分:

Rather, he attempts in subtle ways to balance his political self-interest with a (iii)______, viewing himself as an instrument of some unchanging higher purpose.

1. 句子前面的 rather 表示本句话与前述相反,而在这句话内部,没有任何反义关联元素,也没有否定词,故对应部分是同义关系。

2. Blank3 中应该填入一个名词或名词性结构,表明政治家在改变自己态度时所拥有的一种东西。

3. 后面说政治家实际上把自己视为一种更高的目标的执行者,因而其最终是为了追求自己的人生目标,实现自己的政治价值而存在的,这种更高的目标使得其能够仅仅通过微调来实现自己的政治价值,而不是突然放弃或支持什么,因而这个是一种正向的约束。

4. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

[1]. profound cynicism:极度犬儒主义(负方向)

[2]. deeply felt moral code:深刻的道德准则(正方向)

[3]. thoroughgoing pragmatism:彻底的实用主义(方向不定)

(三) 选取第二空所在部分:

He does not, however, piously (ii) ______ political principles only to betray them in practice. Rather, he attempts in subtle ways to balance his political self-interest with a (iii) ______, viewing himself as an instrument of some unchanging higher purpose.

1. Rather 表示前后两句话相反,最后一句话中说其实政治家从长远上来看是不动摇的,因而前面的话说的是政治家是动摇的。

2. 而政治家的态度决定了他们的行为方式,他们的动摇是因为其对于政治理想的把握不够坚决所致,因而其背叛来自于其对于政治理念的不坚定态度,故选取“动摇”一意。而之间的 however 与 not 是对上半句话的否定,说明政治家其实不是厚颜无耻的之徒,一心只是为了自己的利益来做事儿。

3. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

[1]. brandish:(挥舞)to shake or wave (as a weapon) menacingly

[2]. flout:(藐视)to treat with contemptuous disregard : SCORN

[3]. follow:(跟从)

(四) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合:



例 6. (PowerPrep II Section 4 Q4)

That the President manages the economy is an assumption (i) ______ the prevailing wisdom that dominates electoral politics in the United States. As a result, presidential elections have become referenda on the business cycle, whose fortuitous turnings are(ii) ______ the President. Presidents are properly accountable for their executive and legislative performance, and certainly their actions may have profound effects on the economy. But these effects are (iii) ______. Unfortunately, modern political campaigns are fought on the untenable premise that Presidents can deliberately produce precise economic results.

BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)

(A) peripheral to

(D) justifiably personified in (G) usually long – lasting

(B) central to (E) erroneously attributed to

(H) regrettably unnoticeable

(C) at odds with

(F) occasionally associated with

(I) largely unpredictable


(一) 选取第二空所在部分:

… presidential elections have become referenda on the business cycle, whose fortuitous turnings are (ii) ______ the President.

1. 因为总统大选已经成为了对于经济运行的 referenda 即“晴雨表”,那么总统选举就是人们对于总统是否有效控制经济运行的一次表决,因而如果经济状况不好,人们就会归咎于总统无能,故而不投票选总统。

2. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

[1]. erroneously attributed to:错误地归因于

[2]. occasionally associated with:偶尔一致的

[3]. usually long-lasting:通常来说持久的

(二) 选取第一个空格所在部分:

That the President manages the economy is an assumption (i) ______ the prevailing wisdom that dominates electoral politics in the United States. As a result, presidential elections have become referenda on the business cycle,

1. As a result 表示对上一句话的同义,前后两句话意思一致,故可以依据后面一句话推出前面一句话的意思。

2. 因为人们已经将总统大选变成了经济周期的晴雨表,那么他们应该认为总统对于经济运行有责任,故而在竞选政治中这种思想是一种主流思想。

3. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

[1]. peripheral to:在……周边

[2]. central to:居于……的中心

[3]. at odds with:与……争吵、不和

(三) 选取第三个空格所在部分:

… their actions may have profound effects on the economy. But these effects are(iii)______. Unfortunately, modern political campaigns are fought on the untenable premise that Presidents can deliberately produce precise economic results.

1. Blank3 中应该填入一个形容词,用来描述 effects 的实际属性

2. 由于 but 对于上文取反,而 unfortunately 对于整个文章的基调进行取反。

3. 看前一句,说 effect 是 may be profound 的,后面则取反应该选取 profound的反义词。

4. 看后一句,该句对于整个文章取反以后,原先认为总统能够影响经济运行的观点应该是不正确的,而这句话中的 premise 被称为是 untenable,是一个负态度,故而实际上,其前面一句中的效果应该是负态度的,即总统不能控制经济运行。

5. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

[1]. usually long-lasting:通常来说持久的

[2]. regrettably unnoticeable:遗憾地没有被发现的(面大,且不符合行文思路,文章在说总统不能控制经济发展,而不是说总统对经济发展的影响大小,要与文章stylistically coherent,故错误)

[3]. largely unpredictable:很大程度上不可以预测的

(四) 其他需要注意的词语:

1. referenda:(referendum 的复数形式,公投)the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative

2. fortuitous:(偶然的)occurring by chance

(五) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合:




1. 先略读(找主谓宾),找到自己的答案,或是 /-态度,然后做标记,不要代入答案排除。必须看完GRE填空题给出的所有备选答案。

2. 两遍做题法:先做简单的,第一篇过题时,如果没思路,标记后果断跳过,无论是GRE考试还是其他考试,最忌讳在一个题目上浪费过多时间,所以遇到不会的,一定要赶紧跳过去;第二遍review,实在不行猜答案。

3. 重复是基本规律,同义重复和反义重复,解题就是找准中心词及其与空格的逻辑关系。要抓住空格所在的那层逻辑关系,不大用管其它层次的逻辑。同意重复一定是同义词,但是反义重复不一定是反义词,可以是上义词或下义词,而可以仅仅是程度的不同。

4. 先略读:先提炼主干,再读分隔,无效的分隔(分隔中和分隔前均无空格)不用读。尤其是三空题,更要简化句子,快速扫视,是阅读效率和逻辑的考察。

5. 分隔结构:定语从句,同位语从句,分词结构(现在分词、过去分词及不定式),大的介词短语结构。有时分隔结构出现在主从句中,比如because之后为逗号,接着是分隔,再接着是原因,一律先跳过分隔,先看原因、并列、转折等主干逻辑关系。











Because many of the minerals found on the ocean floor are still plentiful on land , where mining is relatively inexpensive, mining the ocean floor has yet to become a ___ enterprise.

A declining

B marginal

C public

D profitable

E precise

F shrewd



marginal 边际的,比邻的,最低限度的,边际效益的

profitable 有利可图的,产生利润的

shrewd 判断敏锐的,精明的,狡诈奸猾的,刺骨的,强烈的

只有一个难点,have yet to do sth .

If you say that you have yet to do something, you mean that you have never done it, especially when this is surprising or bad.

She has yet to spend a Christmas with her husband.

He has been nominated three times for the Oscar but has yet to win.


have yet to 一般被我们翻译成:尚未……,有待于……。表示一种与我们的估计或意愿相反的尚未完成的状态。

比如新闻可能说,抢匪被狙击手击中堕水,但尸体尚未找到has yet to be found;

又或者某几国领导人在开会,就环境保护议题尚未达成共识,也可以说have yet to。


Even after safeguards against the ___ of popular sovereignty were included , major figures in the humanistic disciplines remained skeptical about the proposal to extend suffrage to the masses.

A continuation

B introduction

C advantages

D creation

E excesses



popular sovereignty 人民主权论



safeguard 预防措施(而不是舒肤佳)

fugures 人士

humanistic disciplines 人文学科

suffrage 选举权

the masses 劳动者阶层,劳动群众






excesses [pl] (fml 文)

personal acts which go beyond the limits of good behaviour, or humanity

越轨的行为; 无人性的行为:

The excesses (ie acts of cruelty) committed by the occupying troops will never be forgotten.

占领军犯下的灭绝人性的暴行, 人们是永远也不会忘记的.

His excesses at parties are well known.



If duty is the natural outgrowth of one"s ___ the course of future events, then people who are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.

A understanding of

B involvement in

C preoccupation with

D control over

E responsibility for



involvement 包含,牵涉,关联,使进入某种状态或发生某种联系

preoccupation (因想着别的事而)心不在焉,全神贯注于、纠缠于某件事或某种念头,耿耿于怀(的事物或原因)




Among the many ___ of the project , expense cannot be numbered ; the goals of the project"s promoters can be achieved with impressive ___ .

A features

D innovation

B advantages

E economy

C defects

F efficiency







重复关系解题技巧分享 为你打造GRE填空高分制胜法宝


The eradication of pollution is not merely a matter of ___, though the majesticbeauty of nature is indeed an important consideration.

A. economics B. legislation C. cleanliness D. aesthetics E. restoration


Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hintof----can boost sales of video clips very nicely.

A. self-deprecation B. congeniality C. cynicism D. embarrassment E. self-doubt


Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality,virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered theaudience a world ___of___.

A. bereft.. theatricality B. composed.. adversity C. full.. circumstantiality D. deprived..polarity

E. devoid.. neutrality



The Muses are___deities: they avenge themselves without mercy on those whoweary of their charms.

A. rueful B. ingenuous C. solicitous D. vindictive E. dispassionate


Unenlightened authoritarian managers rarely recognize a crucial reason for the lowlevels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a modicumof tolerance for dissent often prevents___.

A. demur B. schism C. cooperation D. compliance E. shortsightedness

冒号后面的内容解释了民主方式运作的工作团体中为何少有严重的冲突,所以即使看不懂amodicum of

tolerance for dissent是什么东西,也应该知道这个东西避免了严重冲突,故选B。


The valedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universitiesover the years, has become a very strict form, a literary ___ that permits very little ___.

A. text.. clarity B. work.. tradition C. genre.. deviation

D. oration.. grandiloquence E. achievement.. rigidity

a literary ___ that permits very little ___. 是前面的a very strict form的同位语,所以第一空格填form的同义或近义词,that permits very little___. 这个从句完成后应为strict的同义或近义词。

Many more eighteenth-century novels were written by women than by men, but thisdominance has, until very

recently, been regarded merely as ___ fact, a bit of arcane knowledge noted only bybibliographers.

A. a controversial B. a statistical C. an analytical D. an explicit E. an unimpeachable

这道题同样,a bit of arcane knowledge noted only by bibliographers.是前面的___ fact的同义重复,所以空格应填入文献学家关注的事实,已知的五个选项里显然只有B选项的statistical(统计的)是文献学家的份内工作。


Longdale and Stern discovered that mitochondria and chloroplasts ___ a long,identifiable sequence of DNA; such a coincidence could be ___ only by the transfer ofDNA between the two systems.

A. manufacture.. accomplished B. reveal.. repeated C. exhibit.. determined

D. share.. explained E. maintain.. contradicted

下半句的such a coincidence说明第一空格的动词填入后应体现为是一种巧合,两个看不懂是什么的、只知道是不一样的东西(非相关专业的绝大部分学生是不太可能认识mitochondria和chloroplasts这两个词的)怎样了一个长的、可以认为是一模一样的DNA序列就是一个巧合呢?当然只有D的 share表示了这个意思。

Laws do not ensure social order since laws can always be ___ , which makes them___ unless the authorities have the will and the power to detect and punish wrongdoing.

A. contested.. provisional B. circumvented.. antiquated C. repealed.. vulnerable

D. violated.. ineffective E. modified.. unstable





13、Nearly two-thirds of the country"s mushroom crop is produced by 160 growers in a single county, the greatest_________ growers anywhere.

(A) cause of

(B) agreement among

(C) indication of

(D) interaction between

(E) concentration of

分析:本题构成“解释模式”,空格填入名词+介词的结构,表示和前句表达意思一致的含义。因为“这个国家几乎三分之二的蘑菇都是由一个郡的 160 个种植者生产的(Nearly two-thirds of the country"s mushroomcrop is produced by 160 growers in a single county)”,所以空格要体现这种数据特征。A 原因;B 同意;C 指示;D 相互作用;E 浓度、密度。E 选项是表示和数据有关的概念,为正确答案。

翻译:这个国家近2/3 的蘑菇是由一个郡的 160 个种植者生产的,在任何地方这种.种植者的集中程度都是的。


14、Despite many decades of research on the gasification of coal, the data accumulated are not directly_____________to environmental questions; thus a new program of research specifically addressing such questions is_______

(A) analogous...promising

(B) transferable...contradictory

(C) antithetical...unremarkable

(D) applicable...warranted

(E) pertinent...unnecessary

分析:空格 1 填入一个形容词,表示“积累的数据(data accumulated)”和“环境问题(environmental questions)”之间的关系;空格 2 填入一个形容词,表示对“新的研究项目(a new program of research)”的修饰。分号表示前后一致,但是前后构成了时间对比,not 表示否定,所以空格 1 应该填入和“处理,对付(addressing)”同义的概念,而空格 2 则应该填入一个正评价词。A 类似的“”有希望的,有前途的;B 可转化的“”矛盾的;C 对立的“”不明显的;D 可应用的“”有充分依据的,有保证的;E 有关的“”没必要的。D 选项符合判断。



15、Winsor McCay, the cartoonist, could draw with incredible_________: his comic strip about Little Nemo was characterized by marvelous draftsmanship and sequencing.

(A) sincerity

(B) efficiency

(C) virtuosity

(D) rapidity

(E) energy

分析:空格填入一个名词,表示对 Winsor McCay 的描述,冒号表示解释说明,marvelous 和 incredible 对应,所以空格要表达和“绘画以及安排顺序能力(draftsmanship and sequencing)”一致的含义。A 真诚;B 效率;C 精湛技艺;D 速度;E 精力。B 选项正确。

翻译:Winsor McCay 是一个漫画家,他精湛的绘画技艺令人难以置信:他在关于 Little Nemo 的绘画作品中表现出的绘画和安排顺序的能力让人吃惊。

扩展:Winsor McCay 是美国的漫画家,而 Little Nemo 是他在 1911 年制作的生平第一部动画片中的主人公。我们可以通过 wikipedia 了解 Winsor Macay 的生平以及代表作品。


10、Copyright and patent laws attempt to encourage innovation by ensuring that inventors are paid for creative work, so it would be________if expanded protection under these laws discouraged entrepreneurial innovation by increasing fears of lawsuits.

(A) desirable

(B) coincidental

(C) ironic

(D) natural

(E) sensible

分析:本题构成了“单空格模式”,因为 encourage 和 discourage 构成了对比,所以空格要表达的是负评价词。A 令人满意的,可取的;B 一致的;C 讽刺的,矛盾的;D 自然的;E 有感觉的,意识到的,明智的。C选项正确。



11、The widespread public shock at the news of the guilty verdict was caused partly by _________ news stories that had_________ acquittal.

(A) sensational...condemned

(B) buried...urged

(C) impartial...mentioned

(D) biased...predicted

(E) local...denounced

分析:空格 1 填入一个形容词,修饰“新闻报道(news stories)”,空格 2 填入一个动词,表示“新闻报道”对“无罪判决(acquittal)”做的动作。“有罪判决(guilty verdict)”和“无罪判决(acquittal)”构成了对比关系,was caused by 表示前后因果关系,所以空格 2 应该填入一个正动作,并且要体现新闻报道曾经认为应该做无罪判决的含义。A 感觉的,感动的“”谴责、宣判;B 隐藏的“”促进;C 公正的“”提到;D 有偏见的“”预测;E 本地的,局部的“”公开指责。D 选项为正确答案。



12、Although the young violinist"s _________ performance with the orchestra demonstrated his technical competence,his uninspired style and lack of interpretive maturity labeled him as a novice musician rather than as a truly _________ performer.

(A) spectacular...conventional

(B) blundering...artistic

(C) marginal...inept

(D) steady....accomplished

(E) dazzling...unskilled

分析:空格 1 填入一个形容词,修饰“表现(performance)”,demonstrated 表示前后一致,所以空格 1 应该体现“技术上很不错(technical competence)”的含义,为正评价词;空格 2 填入一个形容词,修饰“演员(performer)”,rather than 前后对比,所以空格 2 表达和“新的(novice)”相对,即“成熟的”之类的含义。A 引人入胜的“”传统的;B 浮躁的,粗鲁的“”艺术的;C 边缘的“”不适当的,不称职的;D 稳定的“”熟练的,有造诣的;E 耀眼的“”不熟练的,无技巧的。D 选项为正确答案。



7、The trick for Michael was to _______ his son an illusory orderliness; only alone at night, when the boy was asleep,could Michael _______ the chaos he kept hidden from his son.

(A) explore with...demonstrate

(B) conjure for...acknowledge

(C) conceal from...dispel

(D) demystify for...escape

(E) endure with...abandon

分析:空格 1 填入一个动词,表示 Michael 对“他的儿子(his son)”做的动作,空格 2 要填入一个动词,表示 Michael 对“他对儿子隐藏的混乱(the chaos he kept hidden from his son)”做的动作,这显然应该是一个正动作,表示在“孩子睡觉以后(when the boy was asleep)”,混乱要表现出来,这是时间对比的体现。A 探究,探索“”展现;B 唤起“”承认;C 隐藏,隐蔽“”驱赶,驱散;D 减少神秘,澄清“”逃脱;E忍耐“”放弃。A 和 B 的第二个词都符合判断。分号表示前后复指,所以空格 1 也应该是正动作,表示他让儿子看到的是“虚幻的有序(illusory orderliness)”,所以 B 正确。

翻译:Michael 的伎俩是给他儿子造成一种虚假的整洁;当孩子睡觉了,只有他一个人在的时候,Michael 才能表现出隐藏在孩子背后的混乱。


8、Literature is inevitably a ________ rather than _________ medium for the simple reason that writers interpose their own vision between the reader and reality.

(A) distorting...a neutral

(B) opaque

(C) colorful...a drab

(D) inexact

(E) flexible...a rigid

分析:两个空格都要填入形容词修饰“媒体(medium)”,rather than 表示结构对比,所以两个空格是一组反义词。并且,for the simple reason 表示前后构成因果关系,所以空格要体现和“作者提出了自己的观点(writersinterpose their own vision)”的相关含义,即“有自己的观点”或者“没自己的观点”。A 失真的,歪曲的“”中立的;B 透明的“”不透明的;C 色彩丰富的“”单调的;D 无瑕疵的“”不精确的;E 灵活的“”死板的,僵硬的。A 选项正确。



9、An obvious style, easily identified by some superficial quirk, is properly_____ as a mere mannerism, whereas a complex and subtle style_____ reduction to a formula.

(A) avoided...risks

(B) decried...resists

(C) prized...withstands

(D) identified ...consists of

(E) cultivated...demands

分析:空格 1 要填入一个过去分词,表示“一种浅薄的风格(An obvious style)”和“矫揉造作(mannerism)”之间的关系,因为 mannerism 和 superficial quirk 都是负评价词,所以空格 1 填入后也应该体现非正面的评价。空格 2 体现了“单空格模式”,“复杂精美的风格(a complex and subtle style)”和“简单形式化(formula)”是相反的,所以空格 2 应该填入一个负动作。A 避免“”冒险;B 谴责“”抵抗;C 奖赏,奖励“”抵挡,反抗;D 确定,识别“”包含;E 培养“”需要。B 和 D 的第一个词可以候选,但是只有 B 的第二个词是正确的,所以 B 为正确答案。





