新概念英语第一册单词|新概念英语第一册:realize understand和set短语

新概念英语 2021-06-25 点击:

新概念英语网免费发布新概念英语第一册:realize understand和set短语,更多新概念英语第一册相关信息请访问新概念英语网。



  Hello, everyone. This is Eric's English Studio. 

  今天我们看一看的这个 realize, understand的区别,以及set的动词短语

  Realize & Understand

  realize vt. 意识到……

  He didn't realize that he had made a mistake.


  realize vt. 实现……

  understand vt. 明白……

  I don't understand English. 我不懂英语.


  set out 出发,动身 从某地出发的意思

  When’ll you set out for London?

  set off 出发,启程 含开始(旅行、赛跑等)的意思

  I’ll set off for home the day after tomorrow.

  set up 创立,建立;(a record)创造……记录

  Mr. Jackson has set up a school in the village.

  Has Tom set up a new world record?



  1. It's not easy to _____ your dream.

  2.Looking around, I _____ with a shock that I was the only passger left on the bus.

  3. He set ____ on his journey in spite of the heavy rain.

  4. Tazieff was able to set _____ his camp very close to the volcano .

  5.He set _____ a new world record in September,1935


  1. realize, 2.realize, 3.off 4. up 5.up

新概念英语第一册单词|新概念英语第一册:realize understand和set短语



